I value the vision of the prophet Isaiah who wrote: (Isaiah 65:12)
They shall build houses and
inhabit them;
they shall plant vineyards and
eat their fruit.
They shall not build and another
they shall not plant and
another eat.
In modern terms, this implies that everyone should have an opportunity to build and to plant. And reap the full benefit of their own labors, not just in service to others, but to their own benefit as well.
Gayle and I bring different skills and experience to our volunteer work in Scotland, yet we share a common conviction that ending poverty is a moral imperative. Without an equitable sharing of the world's wealth, there will be no justice and no peace.
Gayle, an organizational leadership consultant, has over 25 years of experience in corporations, non-profits, the health care industry, media and publishing and religious institutions. I, Paul, have worked for non-profits and the church all my adult life and am currently in Scotland representing the Poverty Initiative at Union Theological Seminary in New York.
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